The Children’s Scholarship Fund National Board Theodore J. ForstmannCo-Chairman & CEO John WaltonCo-Chairman
(in alphabetical order)
Jill E. Barad
Chairman and CEO, Mattel, Inc.
Erskine B. Bowles
Former White House Chief of Staff
The Honorable John B. Breaux
United States Senator
Eli Broad
Chairman & CEO, Sun America, Inc.
James E. Burke
Chairman, Partnership for a Drug-Free America
Ronald W. Burkle
Managing Partner, The Yucaipa Corporation
Barbara Bush
Honorable Board Member
Joseph A Califano, Jr.
President, National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse at Columbia University
Raymond G. Chambers
Henry G. Cicneros
President & COO, Univision Communications, Inc.
James C. Coutovich
President & COO, Children’s Scholarship Fund
Lester Crown
Chairman, Material Service Corporation
Dick DeVos
President, Amway Corporation
Stanley F, Druckenmiller

William H. Dunn, Sr.
Chairman of the Board, J.E. Dunn Construction Company
Ronald E. Eibensteiner
President, Wyncrest Corporation
Reverend Floyd H. Flake, D. Min
Pastor, Allen AME Church
Peter M. Flanigan
Senior Advisor
Lynn Forester
CoCEO, FirstMark Communications LLC
Stephen Fraidin
Senior Partner, Fried, Frank, Harris, Shriver & Jacobson
Stedman Graham
President & CEO, S. Graham & Associates
Dorthy I. Height
Chairman & Preident Emeritus, National Council of Negro Women

Ronald E. Johnson
Chairman & CEO, BET Holdings II
James V. Kimsey
Founding CEO & Chairman Emeritus, America Online, Inc.
Martin Luther King III
President, Southern Christian Leadership Conference
The Honorable Henry A. Kissinger
Chairman, Kissinger Associates, Inc.
The Honorable Trentt Lott
United States Senator, Majority Leader
Peter Lynch
Vice Chairman, Fidelity Management & Research Company
Raymond A. Mason
Chairman & CEO, Legg Mason, Inc.
The Honorable Daniel Patrick Moynihan
United States Senator
Nathan P Myhrvold, PH. D.
Chief Technology Officer, Microsoft, Corporation
The Honorable Sam Nunn
Senior Partner, King & Spalding
Michael S. Ovitz
General Colin L Powell, USA (Ret)
Former Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff
The Honorable Charles C. Rangel
United States House of Representatives
Pet Riley
President & Coach, Miami Heat
Nancy Daly Riordan
Joseph E. Robert, Jr.
Chairman & CEO, J.R. Roberts Companies
Julian H. Robertson, Jr.
Chairman, Tiger Management
Arthur Rock
The Honorable Warren B. Rudman
Partner, Paul, Weiss, Rifkind, Wharton & Garrison
Mr. & Mrs. George P. Schultz
Will Smith
Roger T. Staubach
Chairman & CEO, The Staubach Company
Jim C. Walton
Chairman, Arvest Bank Group, Inc.
The Honorable Andrew Young
Chairman, GoodWorks International